Our first impressions and photos of the new armies for Full Spectrum Dominance - Conglomerate and The Union

Our first impressions and photos of the new armies for Full Spectrum Dominance - Conglomerate and The Union

We got a chance to sit down with over 60 points of our freshly painted armies for the 2 new factions for Full Spectrum Dominance, and play a game of v1.2 rules. We're excited to play more games, and will publish some game reports after we get fully refreshed on all the rules and the updates to the game. 

The Conglomerate
Conglomerate Infantry
Technocratic corporate overlords have come to reclaim their operations. Futuristic, sleek, and modern they use scouts to observe enemies and destroy them with precision weapons from a distance.
The Union
Union Army Overview
Not to be dominated, The Union are a rebellious crew of workers who banded together with the tools of their craft to fight back in close-quarters. They're grimy, and have rudimentary implements at their disposal. To make the most of them, they like up-close and personal combat despite the heavy costs.


The aesthetic of both armies is just awesome. There's so much opportunity for a variety of effects, and they perfectly complement the 2 existing armies of The Tech and The Enlisted. We'll share some of our photos of the builds below!

New faction rules enforce some specific and interesting play styles we were a huge fan of. Lots of strategy to figure out for each, but we definitely believe it will be worth it! We'll soon set up some interesting scenarios with our terrain from The Lazy Forger!

The Conglomerate uses observers to mark units on the battlefield. While the rules need a bit of refining still, we were able to come up with some house rules that we felt were agreeable. After marking, Conglomerate vehicles have a variety of skills that allow them to hit with greater precision, or to bombard them without having LoS by the firing vehicle. Combined with the extremely capable and agile tanks, it's an enemy you've got to strike quick and hard with great force.

The Union take an almost opposite approach. They rely on heavy numbers of units quickly deployed by troop transports - with our default army list, the vehicles have a capacity for 6 loaded units! The Commuter isn't a unit to snooze on - quick, hard to hit, carries 3 units, and has a heavy MG to provide cover as the units deploy. Open Transports make the risk of rushing troops into battle easier to stomach, and the infantry are heavy hitters at close range. The Reclaimers use power tools and flamethrowers in base contact. The Steeljacks have heavy AP power to take on armored units with their plasma welders. Tuggers are the cheapest vehicles in Full Spectrum Dominance (2 points!), but are easy to move around for some quick and heavy backup. 

We've still got a ton of strategy to refine in our play, but had a blast with this game. Also very excited to bring some Behemoths into the fray. We'll show some photos of them soon!

Infantry face-off 

Conglomerate Light Tank
Union Gunwagon
Union Tugger
Union Dustriders
Conglomerate Infantrymen
Union SteeljacksUnion Reclaimers
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